The Department of Computer Sciences held a Parent-Teacher meeting
30th January, 2024
The Department of Computer Sciences held a Parent-Teacher meeting on 30th January, 2024 (Tuesday) at the college Auditorium.
The meeting was led by Mr. H. Lalrinawma. The leader welcomes the parents and guardians and stressed on the importance and the reason for the meeting.
Introduction of the parents and their local guardians was done by the leader.
The principal Mr. Vuansanga Vanchhawng greets and addresses the parents. He highlighted that the BCA Course in HATIM has a permanent Mizoram University affiliation and UGC recognition. Also, AICTE recognises the BCA Course recently in 2023. He also talks about the value system of the youth of today and the reason why we need to give more importance to education.
Mr. K. Lalmuanpuia, Head of Department, gave a report on the department. The course structure, marking system, results and other important details are highlighted.
Group discussion was done after the departmental report. All the parents are grouped according to the mentorship programme carried out by the department. Each mentor (faculty) had a one on one session with his mentee’s parents / guardian discussing student’s performance and improvement points. There was also a feedback session in which parents shared their views and opinions about the meeting.
Mr. Joseph Lalhunmawia gave vote of thanks after the group discussion. Mr. H. Lalruatkima closed the meeting with a prayer. It was a very beneficial and effective programme.
The total number of parents / guardians attending the meeting was 45.

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